Charity & Environment

All the team at Concept Original are pasionate about helping local charities, this year we will be supporting SNAP in Brentwood. Covid guidlines permitting we will be volenteering at events and orgnaising a couple of our own. Watch this space!
If you are a local charity that is in need of our services we offer special rates for all website design and logo & branding work. Please call or email us to find out more.
Whatever your business goals may be, we’ll employ modern technology, clean design, and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to discover how we can help build your brand and grow your business.
Everyone on the team also wanted to do their bit for the environment so we partnered up with Ecology to start our own forest that we donate to monthly. We also plant an extra 100 trees for every new customer that spends £150 or more.
To see our forest and find out where your tree could be planted click the button below.